Chandrayaan-3 Mission to Unveil New Moon Discoveries, Says Minister


Dr. Jitendra Singh, the Minister of State for Atomic Energy and Space, expressed his belief that the upcoming Chandrayaan-3 mission will unveil new vistas of the Moon for the world. The mission is scheduled for launch from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota on Friday.

Chandrayaan-3 Mission to Unveil New Moon Discoveries, Says Minister
Chandrayaan-3 Mission to Unveil New Moon Discoveries, Says Minister

In an interview with ET Governance, Dr. Singh highlighted the significant contributions of India’s earlier lunar mission, Chandrayaan-1. He emphasized that Chandrayaan-1 had shed light on various aspects of the Moon and provided groundbreaking evidence of water presence on its surface, thus altering our understanding of Earth’s celestial neighbor.

The Minister stated that Chandrayaan-3 is highly anticipated worldwide, with expectations and hopes riding on its success. He emphasized that the mission brings India one step closer to the Moon, demonstrating the country’s commitment to scientific exploration and dispelling any notion of lagging behind other nations. Notably, the unique feature of this mission is the ability to observe both the Moon and Earth from the lunar perspective.

Dr. Singh also highlighted India’s achievements in satellite launches, stating that out of 424 foreign satellites launched to date by India, 389 were deployed within the past nine years under the current government.

As Chandrayaan-3 prepares to embark on its lunar voyage, the global scientific community eagerly awaits the wealth of knowledge and discoveries that will be unveiled, further enriching our understanding of the Moon and its mysteries.

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